
Wyatt Werneth

Wyatt Werneth is a stunt performer, safety diver, water safety expert, and actor, as well as former US Navy and US Coast Guard. He is a former US Navy communications/signalman specialist who after completing eight (8) years active duty started a career in Public Safety. During his career as a Fire/Ocean Rescue Chief, he reenlisted to the USCG with college under his belt and ambitions to become an officer. He served six (6) years in the USCG as boat coxswain/SAR, and a Port security unit boarding officer before deploying overseas to Iraq and Afghanistan as a military contractor/officer to provide military and local national training programs in a tactical/security role, Drone/TCOM pilot/payload operator, Intelligence reconnaissance and surveillance (ISR), Tactical Law enforcement, and medical fields. In 2007, Brevard County (FL) had been identified as Forbes magazine’s most dangerous beach and Werneth was determined to do something about it. He stated that there was 10 drowning fatal