Nekohachi Edoya, affectionately known as "Edo Neko," was a talented impressionist and actor who was affiliated with the Rakugo Geijutsu Kyokai (Rakugo Art Association). He was born on October 1, 1921, and his real name was Roku-ro Okada, a name given due to being the sixth son. His legacy left a lasting impact on the world of entertainment.
During the tragic events of the Hiroshima atomic bombing on August 6, 1945, Nekohachi was just 23 years old and serving in the Japanese Army's Naval Artillery Regiment No. 1 (Dawn 2953 Unit) stationed in Ujina, which is now part of Minami Ward in Hiroshima City. He held the position of Corporal Rokuro Okada. On that fateful morning, he had plans to meet with actress Keiko Sonoi, an acquaintance from the traveling theater group "Sakura-tai," in Hiroshima. Unfortunately, after winning a vocal mimicry competition the previous day, he had indulged in the prize of alcohol, leading to a hangover that caused him to oversleep and miss the meeting. It was